That costs (especially in an old house with lots of cracks and crannies), can easily get out of hand. When we purchased our beloved "mansion," one of the major selling points was the back deck. The deck overlooked our neighborhood and offered an outstanding view of our dear Alma Mater. While we have loved the deck since day 1, we have not really been able to enjoy it during the summer time. You see, our back deck receives direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day, making it an unbearable place to sit between the months of April and, like October. Not only is the heat uncomfortable while on the porch, but the heat also permeates through the windows and into the kitchen, making an entire kitchen an indoor sauna for much of the year.
So what did we do to solve this little problem?
We began our biggest DIY-undertaking to date. Now follow me here....

<Our Deck Pre-Renovation.
We decided that with a roof, the back deck could finally become usable during the warmer months (like 11.5 months out of the year in Macon) AND we would be able to still utilize the deck during wet weather. The roof would also shade the sun from the kitchen, ultimately saving us some major energy bill nightmares. So, my sweet dear handy man husband, along with guidance and direction (and free labor) from my experienced contractor father, tore out our old railing, added new custom railing and built the porch up, adding a tin roof to cover the entire deck. The deck now offers a comfortable place to grill, sit, eat and watch the sunset.
Energy savings and avoided heat strokes aside, my very favorite thing about the new and improved porch is the sound of the tin when it rains; after all, what could possibly be more Southern than the sound of rain on a tin roof?
<Construction Zone
With all the tearing down, rebuilding, staining, nailing, and dodging bad weather.., this project took several months' worth of weekends to complete.The result is beautiful, however and I feel sure we will enjoy many back porch sunsets to come! (See below to admire the splendor)
Y'all Come Back Now, Ya Hear!